Clifford Primary School

Clifford Primary School

British Values

British Values

At Clifford Primary School, we actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance (understanding) of those with different faiths and beliefs.


Children are involved in these democratic processes:

  • Whole school parliament meetings to involve the children in decision-making, planning school activities and helping to improve our school.
  • Mock elections.
  • Debates.
  • Talk partners are used to ensure that all pupils are encouraged to express their views.
  • They are taught how perceived injustice can be peacefully challenged –

e.g., by writing letters to MPs to express their views.


The Rule of Law

  • Pupils devise their own class rules and understand the need for rules.
  • The school rules are reviewed with the children at the beginning of each academic year
  • The school rules are known and understood and the expectations are well-defined and fair.
  • We have a clearly structured positive behaviour policy.
  • Pupils are taught to distinguish right from wrong and to make ‘good choices.’
  • We teach our children to respect British laws which are made to protect individuals and we compare these to religious laws.


Individual Liberty

  • We support our children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • We provide ‘open-ended’ activities so that pupils can follow their interests and express themselves.
  • We encourage our children to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as knowing their rights as children and individuals.
  • We show pupils how they can contribute positively to the lives of others.
  • We ensure that activities and resources used in our school are inclusive.
  • Pupils can choose to take on monitor responsibilities within the school and their own classrooms e.g., librarian etc…
  • Our children are given equal opportunities and the freedom to make their own choices from the variety of clubs we provide.


Mutual Respect and understanding of those with different faiths and beliefs

  • We build strong relationships with pupils, their families and the community.
  • We teach and model respect for other people within our school and the wider world.
  • We show respect for our school, our own and other people’s belongings.
  • Our assemblies follow a ‘values’ programme which runs alongside our PSHE syllabus and teaches a deeper understanding of kindness towards others.
  • We ensure that children take turns, share resources and work together cooperatively in pairs, small groups and school family groups with children across all of the year groups.
  • Trained pupil ‘peer mediators’ support the children’s relationships within the school and help them to resolve conflicts.
  • We ensure that the resources we use reflect the cultural diversity of Britain.
  • We celebrate British festivals and special events e.g., Christmas, Remembrance Day, Children in Need, Royal Weddings, World Book Day etc…
  • We also celebrate special occasions from different faiths and cultures and invite people from different faiths to talk to us in our lessons and assemblies E.g., Holi/ Chinese New Year/ Diwali.
  • We invite speakers from the community, charities, public services and organisations into school to widen pupils’ understanding of the world.
  • We organise visits to places of worship e.g., local Christian churches and a Jewish synagogue.
  • We have a link with a French school, learn about their culture and exchange letters and cards in the KS2 classes.
  • We challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.
  • We develop critical personal thinking skills in all subjects.
  • Through discussion, we help our pupils to develop an understanding and respect for their own way of life and the opinions, values and beliefs of others (especially in PSHE and RE).
  • We teach RSE to ensure that all differences are respected and valued and to help children understand what healthy relationships look like.
  • We encourage respect for the public services and institutions of Britain including the monarchy.