Clifford Primary School

Clifford Primary School


Geography at Clifford Primary School engages children’s curiosity about places around the world, the area that they live and how to sustain our environment.

The emphasis on long-term learning: remembering a manageable number of countries, capitals and physical features by building knowledge slowly and deeply. Children learn about physical and human processes and the relationship between them, as well as the similarities and differences. 


Through fieldwork and outdoor learning children will learn geographical skills: map reading, how to use an atlas/globe and aerial photos.



EYFS: The Natural world, people, culture and communities

Year 1 and 2: Continents and Oceans, Weather around the world, UK countries, seas and capitals, Hereford compared to China and our local area

Year 3 and 4: Earthquakes and volcanoes, mountains, Europe, UK and the world, Rivers and water cycle

Year 5 and 6: World climates and understanding tropics, Rainforest, settlements, South America, Cities around the world and Comparison of UK to Brazil