Clifford Primary School

Clifford Primary School


Who can I contact for further information?

 The first point of contact is your child's class teacher.

  • Mrs Langford our SEND coordinator

  • Miss Paula Shuman our Headteacher

Should you have any SEND queries or concerns and wish to get in touch with any of us, please contact the office. We will be happy to discuss with you how we can meet your child's needs. 
  • Our SEND Governor is Fiona Howard 


  1. What kinds of SEND are provided for?

We  currently support children with a wide range of needs which are:

Communication and interaction e.g. speech and language difficulties

Cognition and learning e.g. dyslexia

Social, emotional and mental health e.g. attachment disorder


  1. How do we identifying pupils with SEND and how do we identify their needs?

We carefully monitor all of our pupils from the time they start at Clifford Primary School.

Extra support will be put in place if a child:

Makes less progress than their peer group

Widens the attainment gap between themselves and their peer group

Makes less progress than during previous years

Fails to reduce the attainment gap between themselves and their peers


Assessment of needs is initially carried out by the class teacher. If an issue is suspected, then parents or carers will be informed and the next steps decided.  The SENDCo will assess children too, based on information given by the class teacher and by the parents. 

Not all children who are making slow progress or have low attainment will be put on our SEN register.


  1. How we teach pupils with SEN?

A quality first teaching approach is used throughout the school using the format of assess, plan, do, review.  All teachers are accountable for the progress of every child in their class. Interventions are put in place to give extra additional support.


  1. How do we adapt the curriculum and the learning environment?

Teachers adapt their teaching so that lessons are suitable for all. 

We are fortunate in having skilled Teaching Assistants in each class. Between the class teacher and the teaching assistant all children receive a high level of support.  We aim to support all of our learners and use a variety of teaching methods, resources and make use of our display space to create working walls which children can refer to. 


  1. How do we give additional support?

We give our children the support they need to access the curriculum and to be happy in our school. This could include for example additional speech and language sessions, following a gross motor skills program which has been devised by an Occupational Therapist, being part of a Friends program to develop skills in social interaction or  receiving additional 1:1 or small group adult support in the classroom.

We are inclusive and provide all pupils with equal opportunities.

We adapt our lessons and teaching and learning experiences for them to be inclusive to all.   

  •  How do we provide support for children with social and emotional needs?

We regularly run a Friends program to support children who need help with friendships or if they are suffering from low self-esteem.

Our staff are approachable and spend much time talking and listening to children. ‘Mindfulness’ activities are incorporated school life and regular circle time.


  • What is the Local Offer and where are details of it published?

The Local Offer lists all the services and provisions which are available locally and  gives information on procedures for accessing these.  Our local authority’s Local Offer is published at .